People who like Buffalo Fuzz might also like these artists. The closer two names are, the greater the probability people will like both artists. Click on any name to travel along.
Buffalo Fuzz
Deaf Radio
The Devil and the Almighty Blues
The Ugly Kings
Handsome as Sin
Whoopie Cat
Elephant Tree
The Heavy Eyes
Somali Yacht Club
Wet Cactus
Black Rainbows
We Hunt Buffalo
Trip Hazard
Freedom Hawk
Cave of Swimmers
Chase the Sun
Gorilla Pulp
Tj Stafford
Electric Citizen
100 Watt Vipers
Pet slimmers of the year
All them witches
She Loves Pablo
Jared James Nichols
Crook & The Bluff
Ruff Majik
The Bakerton Group
The Devil's Blood
Witch Mountain
Jex Thoth
Kings Destroy
The Age of Truth
October Burns Black
Calvin Russell
Thirst Planet
Mason Gold
Them Evils
Samantha Martin
Hair Of The Dog
Band of rascals
Mount Salem
Hank Shizzoe