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Jay Reatard
King Khan And The Shrines
King Khan
Thee Headcoats
King Khan And The Bbq Show
King Khan & BBQ Show
The Almighty Defenders
Abner Jay
Black Lips
The Spits
Neon Piss
Natural Child
Bantam Rooster
Hell Shovel
Red Dons
Hex Dispensers
White Reaper
The Quakes
Laughing Hyenas
Cheap Time
Youth Avoiders
Meat Market
Bob Log III
Naked on the Vague
Uranium Club
Charlotte Hatherley
King Tuff
The Satelliters
World Inferno Friendship Society
Math The Band
A Frames
Gorilla Angreb
Goober And The Peas
The Gerbils
Cajun Dance Party
Alexander F
Dum Dums
Benjy Ferree
Sick Thoughts
Asleep In The Sea
The Godmachine
Ike Turner
The Figgs
Bad Sports
DJ Kool Herc